Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Importance of the Post Workout Meal

My clients have heard me harp on them time and time again... the post workout meal is one of THE most important meals they can have. 


It's science, really.  The body is breaking itself down during a workout.  You need to replenish it, and do it quickly, to ensure that you get the most benefit.  

What does your body need?  You need to eat protein and carbs about 30 minutes after your workout.  While most of the day, you will eat lean protein like chicken or fish, this is the time to go with a protein powder shake using Whey Protein.  This is because this is a liquid protein that is faster and easier for your body to digest.

Your body also needs carbs.  Wait... what???  I know, I know... I try to stay away from too many carbs throughout the day.  But carbs will be used by your body to restore muscle glycogen that was depleted while you worked out. If your post workout meal doesn’t contain them, your body may actually instead break down muscle tissue for this same purpose (which would suck). Carbs also create an insulin spike which helps to move nutrients into your muscle tissue quicker. 

There is a great article on that I read recently that really speaks well to this subject.  The author talks about good vs bad eating after a workout and how to best accomplish the healing properties of that meal, without spending a bunch of time laboring over what to eat.  

Take a look - and get that post workout meal going!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Top 24 Most Effective Exercises for Toning

Let's face it, we want every exercise we do to count as much as possible!  No one likes to work out only to find out that we were doing circuits of things that are ineffective.  I know I want to make every movement count!  I came across a great list of the most deceiving exercises on - they may seem like they wouldn't do much, but each one is super effective at toning and tightening.

  1. Pistol Squats
  2. Turkish Getup
  3. Burpees
  4. Hula Hooping
  5. Kranking (arm biking)
  6. Push Ups
  7. Barbell Front Squats
  8. Wall Sits
  9. Double Unders (jump rope)
  10. Kettle Bell Swings
  11. Plank
  12. Ninja Tuck Jumps
  13. Pilates Single Leg Lifts
  14. Supermans
  15. Plies
  16. Rowing Machine
  17. Stair Climbing
  18. Mountain Climbers
  19. Sumo Squats
  20. Clean and Press
  21. Roundhouse Kicks
  22. Pallof Press
  23. Crab Walks
  24. Donkey Kicks
Do a few and see what you think... some you'll feel the effects of immediately, some will take a few reps.  All of them will help you feel the burn!
